Thy Kingdom Come The Mission of Christ【電子書籍】[ Lennon E. McDuffie ]

Thy Kingdom Come The Mission of Christ【電子書籍】[ Lennon E. McDuffie ]

<p>The kingdom lifestyle is full of joy and blessings, such as:</p> <ul> <li>How to bear fruit</li> <li>How to improve relationships with everyone</li> <li>How to know your purpose (what God wants you to do)</li> <li>How to have an abundant life</li> <li>How to improve your relationship with God</li> <li>How to fulfill what God has planned for your life</li> </ul> <p>Many Christians think salvation is the goal of Christianity, but it's just the beginning. Salvation is not the kingdom. It is only a part of it. In the kingdom of heaven you have saved and unsaved people, but after salvation, God has so much more in store for the saints. Most Christians don't live life according to Christ's teachings, which is tragic because they don't receive what God has planned for them. This book is for everyone that wants to get away from the same old day after day life. If you wish for the abundant life that Jesus talked about, then this book is for you because you can only have that abundant life in the kingdom. Salvation is the beginning, but kingdom life is the destination.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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