Thy Kingdom Come (Deliver Us from Evil Trilogy Book One)【電子書籍】[ Monica James ]

Thy Kingdom Come (Deliver Us from Evil Trilogy Book One)【電子書籍】[ Monica James ]

<p>Monsters are real.</p> <p>When I was five years old, I watched my mother take her last breathーa breath three monsters stole from her.</p> <p>I never chose this life. My father says it’s my birthright, but all I see is a curse. It’s because of the Kelly name my mum was slain by the Doylesーour enemies in Dublin, the fellas livin’ on borrowed time.</p> <p>All of Belfast fears my family, especially me. I’m Puck Kelly, otherwise known as Punky; the lad ye don’t want to double cross.</p> <p>I don’t do feelings or emotions. I never have…until she walks into my world.</p> <p>Babydoll is a liar and a thief, but I can’t stay away. We both thrive in the darkness because that’s where our demons can play.</p> <p>No word af a lie, sixteen years later, those monsters still haunt my dreams. But every monster is scared of somethin’…and that somethin’ is me.</p> <p>No more hiding in the shadows because I’m huntin’ youse.</p> <p>Run, wee monsters, run.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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